As a community-based organisation, the day-to-day operation of the Kindy is conducted by the Co-Directors. A Management Committee, consisting of parents elected at the AGM each year, is responsible for the overall management of the kindergarten. Committee Meetings are held regularly throughout the year. We encourage all parents to get involved in the kindergarten and welcome all those willing to join the committee, it is an enriching and worthwhile experience for both you and your child.
Our kindergarten operates as a single unit. Our affiliation with C&K means that our facilities, equipment and education are provided above and beyond the minimum requirements.
Our kindy has service approval from the Department of Education and Training under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 to provide education and care for up to 23 children aged from 3 years to school age. However, we normally fill only 20 places per group each year to give a better educator-to-child ratio and a higher quality learning environment for the children.
In 2014 and again in 2022 our Kindy was assessed against the National Quality Standard and was proud to receive a rating of Exceeding the NQS for each of the seven quality areas, and an overall rating of Exceeding the NQS.
Annual government grants provide a percentage of the educator’s salaries but the Kindergarten has survived because of the hard work of parents and interested members of the community. With parent and community support, our Kindy will continue to function as a non-profit, community organisation offering quality early childhood education and facilities.
For more information on Committee positions and the Calendar of Events, please refer to the Prospectus